• arc 23035 – Consort of two – English Renaissance Music

    The reign of Elizabeth I (1558–1603) and her successor James I (1603–1625) saw a golden age of English lute music. This enchanting compilation of the album „Consort of two“ by the Icelandic harpist and singer Sólveig Thoroddsen Jónsdóttir and the Costa Rican lutenist Sergio Coto Blanco dates from this period. mehr »

  • arc 23048 – Isabella Leonarda: Pone Spes in Planctu Amaro

    During her 68 years at the Collegio di Sant’Orsola, Isabella Leonarda (1620-1704) composed more than two hundred published works in twenty published collections. She is considered one of the most productive female composers of the 16th and 17th centuries. mehr »

  • arc 22043 – Los Temperamentos: Festejo Peruano

    What does music from an 18th century Peruvian manuscript sound like? On their current CD „Festejo Peruano“, the Bremen based ensemble Los Temperamentos has recorded all the musical works of the famous Codex Martínez Compañón, thus bringing one of Latin America’s most valuable cultural documents to new life. The Codex Martínez Compañón was written in the 1780s in Trujillo, in the north of presentday Peru. The manuscript contains musical material, drawings and written documents depicting the everyday life of the African slaves living there, the indigenous population and also the Spanish occupiers. The music that has been handed down shows the extraordinary coexistence and intermingling of different cultures and, incidentally, gives listeners of the 21st century the opportunity to get to know a completely different, unknown side of „early music“ for once. Since its foundation in 2009, Los Temperamentos has been an ensemble with a very individual character. The musicians focus on the music of the 17th and 18th centuries, which emerged from the connection between the different cultural areas of Europe and Latin America.

    Title: Festejo Peruano

    Artists: Los Temperamentos, Néstor Fabián Cortés Garzón

    Catalogue number: arc 22043

    UPC/EAN: 4260412810437

    Available here:



    And in streaming/downloading

  • arc 23040 – Rut-E. Boyschau: Short Stories!

    With the album „Short Stories!“, the organist and harpsichordist Rut-Elena Boyschau wants to share stories of experiences in nature, human encounters and feelings, social outings, celebrations and dances. mehr »

  • arc 22032 – Telemann grenzenlos

    „Telemann grenzenlos“ is the name of the Bremen Baroque Orchestra’s second CD release on the arcantus label, allowing us to catch a glimpse of the charismatic composer’s overwhelming sound world. mehr »

  • arc 22042: Werner Fabricius: O liebes Kind

    „A heartfelt and joyous contemplation of the sweet Infant Jesus lying in the manger…“ – this quote by the songwriter Johann Rist gives us the theme for the collection of Christmas music by Werner Fabricius. mehr »

  • arc 22039 – Raitinen/Forsberg: A TRIBUTE TO CURIOSITY

    KATI RAITINEN (cello) and BENGT FORSBERG (piano) describe their approach to the three works on this disc as a ‘journey of discovery’. To quote them directly: ‘On this musical journey the dominant feeling was pleasure, together with a degree of astonishment that these compositions are not better known’. mehr »

  • arc 22041: Songs by Kittel, Albert, Nauwach, Weckmann and Löwe

    This is the second publication for our collection „Schola Sagittariana“. With this, we celebrate the 350th anniversary of the death of Heinrich Schütz. The project comprises revelations of quite unknown composers who studied with Schütz. mehr »

  • arc 22034 – Renée Allen: Salonmusik für Waldhorn II

    With the second publication by Renée Allen – a specialist for historical horn – further delicacies of the „Solo Buch für Waldhorn“, published in 1898 by A. E. Fischer Verlag, Bremen and lost in the 2nd World War, are presented. mehr »

  • arc 21030 – Anton Colander: Sacred Concerts

    This is the first publication for our collection „Schola Sagittariana“. With this, we celebrate the 350th anniversary of the death of Heinrich Schütz. The project comprises revelations of quite unknown composers who studied with Schütz. mehr »

  • arc 22037 – Mime Yamahiro Brinkmann: Boccherini’s Dream

    „Boccherini’s Dream“ transports us to scenes of summer sunshine, where balmy breezes warm sun-kissed faces, and spell-bound moths buzz around flickering lamps during late evening alfresco gatherings on the piazza. This is a world that Luigi Boccherini knew and loved. mehr »

  • arc 22029: In the shadow – Trio Adorno

    With its first CD, ‘In the Shadow’, the Trio Adorno consciously addresses three compositions, which are rarely heard in concert for rather different reasons. Mozart’s piano trio in D minor, KV 442, is presented as well as Martinů’s piano trio in C Major and Mendelssohn’s piano trio in C minor, op. 66. mehr »

  • arc 22038: RESPIRO – Ensemble Respiro

    Floods are threatening Venice with increasing frequency. The Basilica of San Marco, located at one of the lowest points in the city, is particularly at risk. In the context of Venetian splendor, acoustically cleverly conceived music was created here. mehr »

  • arc 22036 – Kondraschewa/Chica Piano Duo: La Ruta

    Reminiscences of a Marimba de Chonta? An earworm from the Caribbean? Primal sounds from the rainforest? On this voyage of discovery, the Bremen piano duo KONDRASCHEWA/CHICA have placed their focus on accessible new music. mehr »

  • arc 22031 – The Flute Sonatas by Martinus Ræhs Vol. II

    The second album by the Danish recorder player Clara Guldberg Ravn completes the flute sonatas by Martinus Ræhs in a particularly exciting and colourful way. Together, the two albums represent the first complete recording of his flute sonatas. mehr »

  • arc 21025 – Ensemble I Zefirelli: Mr. Handel in the Pub

    With ‘Mr Handel in the Pub’, the ensemble I Zefirelli explores the grey area between so-called serious music and light music and, in the best London tradition, juxtaposes baroque and folk music. mehr »

  • arc 22033 – Tobias Tietze: Une délicatesse merveilleuse

    ‚Une délicatesse merveilleuse‘ – wonderful delicacy – this title serves on this recording for both, on one hand the wonderfully expressive and at the same time extremely elegant music which the lutenist Tobias Tietze discovered from Valentin Strobel the younger, on the other hand, it describes the wonderfully delicate touch of Tobias Tietze’s playing itself. mehr »

  • arc 20024 – Duo Berger-Rosenzweig – REFUGE

    The Jewish-American Cantor David Berger from Chicago the pianist Joyce Rosenzweig from New York reflect on their new album „REFUGE“ an originally historic topic which unfortunately seems very present again in these days. mehr »

  • arc 20022 – Beethoven: String trios Op. 3, Op. 9 nos. 2 and 3

    Since its founding in 1999, the string trio ZPR has established itself as one of the most prominent chamber ensembles in the Nordic countries. Apart from playing the well-established trio repertoire, it focuses the expansion of this repertoire, many contemporary works are dedicated to the trio ZPR. mehr »

  • arc 21027 – Michael Praetorius: Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott

    For the 400th anniversary of Michael Praetorius‘ day of death, the ensemble La Protezione della Musica put together a collection of vocal and organ compositions quite representative for Praetorius‘ oevre. Around the main title „Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott“, the ensemble presents works from Polyhymnia caduceatrix et panegyrica as well as Musae Sioniae. mehr »

  • arc 21026 – Klaus Fischer-Dieskau: String Quartets No. 1 & 4

    With this recording, the Albis Quartett celebrates the centenary of Klaus Fischer-Dieskau. Originating from a world famous musical family, we associate with him among others the Hugo Distler Choir, which he founded in 1953 and led until 1989. Above all, however, it is his compositional output of 110 works that is of most interest to posterity. As part of it, the nine string quartets by Fischer-Dieskau encompass almost his entire creative life. They represent all phases of his development, and the Ninth String Quartet even got the title “Erinnerungen – Memories”. It’s obvious that also in the earlier String Quartets, Klaus Fischer-Dieskau chose this form for a kind of most intimate musical diary. String Quartet No. 1, he begun while serving at the front during World War II. String Quartet No. 4 dates from1978, with an even more intense love of couterpoint. Tonality, if greatly loosened up, still reigns, and polytonality has been added. At the same time, a striving for linear-polyphonic voice leading is noticeable.

    -> Available here:






    …or at Your local CD-shop.

  • arc 20015 – The Flute Sonatas by Martinus Ræhs

    With the first 6 flute sonatas by Martinus Ræhs, Danish recorder player Clara Guldberg Ravn brings a jewel of musical literature back into the public eye. The debut album of the young flautist offers an exciting and varied listening experience. mehr »

  • arc 20017 – Salonmusik für Waldhorn

    The Canadian french horn player Renée Allen and the Israeli pianist Zvi Meniker evoke a world which almost got lost: The Bremen music publisher Fischer Verlag was an important part of Bremen’s musical life; unfortunately, the biggest part of his inventory got lost due to sale, expropriation and turmoil of war. mehr »

  • arc 20023 – Entre dos Tiempos

    The ensemble Los Temperamentos publishes already its third CD on the label arcantus – and leads the audience into times long ago and places far away; into the Spanish speaking world of 300 years ago. This was a world continuously in a state of change – as our world is now. mehr »

  • arc 20021 – BACH to the Roots!

    „Bach is for me the beginning and end of all music; upon him bases, and from him originates all real progress!“ It almost seems that Reger’s famous quote gives the motto of this fabulous recording. This album is the musical calling card of a brilliant ensemble, that has set itself the goal of making baroque music accessible to people of all ages and backgrounds. mehr »

  • arc 20020 – J. C. Kieling: St Matthew Passion

    Founded by Jeroen Finke in 2015, ‘La Protezione della Musica’ has within a short time developed into a highly regarded ensemble for the performance of music from the late 16th and early 17th centuries. On the present double CD the performers tackle the St Matthew Passion by Johann Cyriacus Kieling (1670–1727), a baroque composer from Sachsen-Anhalt. mehr »

  • arc 19018 – Stockholm@Köln

    New chamber works for bassoon and piano – aren’t there enough productions of this genre? Not at all! The bassoon is a magnificent instrument which, we believe, deserves to be in focus, much more than it has been so far – at the front of the stage, and not – as is so often the case – at the back of the orchestra pit! mehr »

  • arc 19014 – Bach: The Cello Suites

    They are the quintessence of Bach’s work as a composer – and Bach is the quintessence of all music. “ Pablo Casals said about the Cello Suites by Johann Sebastian Bach. When these Suites are played in historically informed performace by someone about whom The Strad said: „Her phrasing sounds as natural as breathing…“, you may be more than curious.

    mehr »
  • arc 19016 – Bonifazio Graziani: Vespro della Beata Vergine

    The „Vespro della Beata Vergine“ by Bonifazio Graziani opens an unexpectedly rich world of vocal music. In the whole 17th century, you’ll hardly find another composer like Graziani who was able to use all the variety from soloistic passages to the full richness of double choir sound in order to illustrate the complexity and beauty of the texts. mehr »

  • arc 19012 – Kati Raitinen: „The world is (Y)ours“

    Kati Raitinen combines her work as solo cellist in the Royal Opera Orchestra in Stockholm with a wide variety of international chamber music activities. The wide range from Jean Sibelius to Einojuhani Rautavaara and Johan Ullén – to name a few – shows her great attachment to contemporary music. mehr »

  • arc 18013 – O Heiland, reiss die Himmel auf

    The Capella St. Crucis from Hanover conducted by Florian Lohman present Romantic Choir music for Advent and Christmas. mehr »

  • arc 17011 – Bremer Barockorchester – Telemann – Live

    With this Live-DVD, the Bremer Barockorchester is showing examples of the vast variety of Telemans euvre and commemorates the 250th anniversary of the death of the multi talented Hamburg music director. Refreshing interpretation and beautiful pictures make it a pleasure to rediscover his music. mehr »

  • arc 17010 – Annette John – Was soll man an dem Abend tun

    In her first solo album Annette John takes the listener on a journey across the flute music of the last 1100 years. The CD starts with the „Da pacem Domine“, one of the earliest sacred melodies of the 9th century and draws the line further to Jacob van Eyck, Bach and Telemann (and others) to finally reach Violeta Dinescu.  mehr »

  • arc 17009 Usedom cross-country

    The name is the programme: The CD of the Jagdhornbläser Usedom is a collection for parforce horn in E flat, from very different eras and cultures. It centres on the hunting music traditions of the German-speaking lands and France.
    mehr »

  • arc 17008 – Keiko Nakata: Joy of Bach

    Organ? Bach? Classical music? Yes! With pleasure! The joy of Johann Sebastian Bach seizes the listener immediately while listening to this recording. The organ being one of the most important instruments in Bach’s oeuvre, Keiko Nakata explores prominent works he has written for this wonderful instrument. mehr »

  • arc 17007 – Brass Band BlechKLANG – „Klangspuren“ („Sound tracks“)

    Klangspuren – the debut CD of brass band Blechklang captivates with groovy beats and hot sounds. BlechKLANG is a brass band oriented to the English original setup. mehr »

  • arc 17005 – „Amor y Locura“ by „Los Temperamentos“

    After publishing the very successful CD „El Galeón 1600“, the ensemble „Los Temperamentos“ presents the new CD „Amor Y Locura“ – Love and Madness. With this new publication “Los temperamentos” addresses a question as old as mankind itself: Can there be passion without insanity?  mehr »

  • arc16006 – Lalo and Roussel – the taste of northern France

    The Orchestra of Douai from the region Hauts-de-France presents the great composers of their region on this new CD, Edouard Lalo and Albert Roussel. The Symphonie Espagnole is well known to any music enthousiast.

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  • arc 16004 – World Trombone Quartet

    Just for Fun

    Having known each other for many years in different settings and occasions, the four trombone players Jörgen van Rijen, Joseph Alessi, Stefan Schulz und Michel Becquet decided to condense the joy of playing together into a CD recording – „Just for Fun“! mehr »

  • arc 15003 – a Picture Book with Music

    Die schöne Magelone

    The Wondrous Love Story of the Beautiful Magelone and Count Peter of Provence was a favorite novel of Brahms in his youth. The matter was that popular that Brahms set the lyrical interludes of the novel by Ludwig Tieck to music. This recording brings both elements together: mehr »

  • arc 15001 – ensemble 4.1

    origins – ursprünge

    „I consider it to be the best I’ve written so far.“ That’s what Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart wrote in a letter to his father about the Quintett KV 452. The ensemble 4.1 , called the „Easy Rider of Vienna Classics“ (Hamburger Abendblatt), approaches this ingenious work with unlimited joy. more »

  • arc 15002 – Los Temperamentos

    El Galeón 1600

    Our collection of high quality discoveries on the label arcantus starts with the CD „El Galeón 1600“ played by the ensemble „Los Temperamentos“, a historically informed ensemble from Bremen.

    This CD takes you on a musical-atmospheric journey between two worlds. more »

  • From baroque to contemporary music, from solo programmes to full orchestra – we aim for a broad musical range. Common to all our recordings is an exceptionally high quality of interpretation and recording.